Saturday, July 14, 2012

Dr. Raul Ruiz for Congress in 2012

During the CAL/ACEP Scientific Assembly in La Quinta, CA in 2009, Margaret Salmon MD, MPH (a close friend and co-intern) told me, "Sam, you have to meet my friend from Harvard."  This was my first meeting with Raul Ruiz and would not be the last. 

Sometimes, life surprises you with these incidental meetings that seeds the beginnings of life long friendships.  Raul's story is awe-inspiring.  He comes from a family of immigrant farm workers from the Coachella Valley desert.  To get into college, he went to his neighbors' doors and made a promise, "Help me pay for college.  I promise to come back here and make a difference."

Not only did he make it to college, but he went to Harvard and graduated with three degrees (MD, MPH, MPP).  Afterwards, he went on to complete an emergency medicine residency and an international medicine fellowship.

Now, he is a community ER doctor back in the Coachella Valley desert and Associate Dean at the University of Riverside School of Medicine.  He made a promise many years ago and kept it.

When Raul told me he was running for Congress, it just made sense to me.  He is the kind of leader that I want to see helping create laws and addressing disparities.  Raul is an emergency doctor who has the back ground in public health and public policy tools to make a positive impact.

Would you like to see someone who understands medicine, policy, and public health to help create legislation?

Do you want to have someone in Congress who keeps his promises?

Please make a donation to Dr. Raul Ruiz.  Even $5 makes a difference in this grassroots campaign. Here's the link: 

Raul Ruiz, MD, MPH, MPP