Friday, June 29, 2012

International Ultrasound Resources

By Dr. Sachita Shah

BOOKS : Obviously there are many within our specialty, but these are
some ultrasound books outside of EM that have pertinent info for
practice in low resource settings and/or are written for generalist
health care providers

1) Cristoph Dietrich, MD, and colleagues have published a freely
downloadable, online full color textbook, including special chapters
on US in HIV and tropical diseases. It is an in depth resource that is
made more for experienced clinician-sonographers, and written in high
level /technical english. Great work and so inspiring that it is free!
Please check it out at this link:

2) Ultrasound: A Practical Approach by William Marks.

3) Training in Diagnostic Ultrasound Essentials, Principles and
Standards, WHO Study Group report.

4) Manual of Diagnostic Ultrasound in Infectious Tropical Disease
(covers abdomen only, available by amazon too)

5) Partners In Health Manual of Ultrasound for Resource Limited
Settings (free, electronic book in pdf, simple english, point-of-care
approach to abd/ob/dvt/skin/procedures etc)

1)  Short Course on Abdominal Ultrasound in Tropical Disease
This course  (YEARLY, April, Italy)is designed for clinicians who wish
to acquire basic skills in ultrasound of the abdomen and a general
overview of Ultrasound in Tropical Medicine. Imaging specialists who
want to acquire knowledge in the field of Infectious Diseases and
Tropical Medicine can benefit from this course as well. It is also
designed for MDs who plan to work in tropical/resource poor areas or
who are already experienced in field work but need to refine their
skills in this diagnostic tool.

2) Clinical Ultrasound in Tropical Infectious Diseases
Join the faculty of the Instituto de Medicina Tropical, Alexander von
Humboldt, Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru; the Center of Operational
Medicine, Section of Clinical Ultrasound, Georgia Health Sciences
University; and the University of Pavia, Division of Infectious and
Tropical Diseases, IRCCS S. Matteo Hospital Foundation as they co-host
the first Clinical Ultrasound in Tropical Infectious Diseases course
in Lima, Peru, October 21-26, 2012. Providers with experience and/or a
special interest in clinical tropical medicine or infectious disease
with ultrasound experience are invited to attend. This unique course
consists of lectures, demonstrations, and small-group clinical rounds
for live ultrasound scanning.

Dr. Sachita Shah is Assistant Professor at UW Division of Emergency Medicine in Seattle.  She completed her US fellowship at Alameda County Medical Center-Highland Hospital.  She is the first author of "The Partners in Health Manual of Ultrasound for Resources Limited Resources." (See the link in number 5 above)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Intro to Social Media for Newbie MDs

Have you ever Googled your name to find or as the main link to your professional face online?

What hurts even more is when you have a one out of four star rating by an anonymous person. 

Today, you will learn three places to get started in social media. Go to LinkedIn and create a profile. This is free. Put up a professional picture online and parts of your CV.  Remember, this is the internet and everything your put up in now public.  So, no social security or DEA numbers. Create a twitter account with your real name and another professional picture.  Do some searching on twitter.  Find other MDs, RNs, Med students, PharmDs, etc to follow.   Tweet useful links, thoughts, comments, & questions. Again, remember this is on the World Wide Web so imagine everything you put up will be published in the NYTimes Sunday Edition. or  Create a blog.  A blog is shortened for weblog.  It’s an online journal, but not everyone wants to hear about what you had for dinner or who you have a crush on.  Write short articles on health related topics.  Nothing that violates HIPPA or patient confidentiality.  Use lots of pictures.

Be fairly diligent in the above activities, maybe 1-2 posts/tweets per week.  Wait 6 months and do a google search with your name.  You will see a difference!