2. http://academiclifeinem.blogspot.com/ - All things related to Academic EM
3. http://emcrit.org/ - Crazy amounts of information on nexus of EM and Critical care
4. http://edwinleap.com/blog/ - Amazing EM blogger
5. http://myemergencymedicineblog.blogspot.com/ - Powerful Clinical Pearls
6. http://www.ncemi.org/ (best viewed in Internet Explorer) - Loads of information, medical calculators, and cool small pox images
7. http://gruntdoc.com/ - Classic ER
8. http://www.sonoguide.com/introduction.html - Best EM ultrasound site alive
9. http://allbleedingstops.blogspot.com/ - Movin' Meat
10. http://www.erpocketbooks.com/ - Tricky Cases, Free Ultrasound Images, & Pocket books